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Notes & Comments

July 31st, 2022

Started a major reorganization and overhual of site.  One major focus of this update will be to better identify source data and the documents where they came from.  Work is currently ongoing.  

March 13, 2016

Updated a number of the figures and text to match the latest spreadsheets.

Spetember 3, 2014

Surface Combatant Hullform Definition section update to bring it more in line with the format and layout of the Aricraft Carrier Design hullform calcs and output.

November 10, 2013

Started to add information on Aricraft Carrier Design - located here - MNVDET-CV.

August 16, 2010

Updated a number of the figures and text to match the latest spreadsheets.

November 24, 2007

First major update.
